Make Sure Your Practice Is Taking You Where You Want To Go
Not sure if you're practicing correctly? Are you someone who is fairly self-sufficient when it comes to learning, but you still have some doubts if what you're doing is the best thing? The Video Feedback Lessons are designed for those exactly like you!
Once or twice a month you can send in a video demonstrating what it is you're practicing to receive feedback from me on what needs improvement and how to do it. This video feedback is best used when working on the instruction courses or other materials provided in the Patreon group. If you need help deciding what to work on or where to start, please tell me!
Any time I feel like you need something that is NOT provided in the Patreon group, I will absolutely give you new material that is tailored to what you need.
Here is what you receive when joining one of the Video Feedback Tiers:
Once or twice a month you can send in a video demonstrating what it is you're practicing to receive feedback from me on what needs improvement and how to do it. This video feedback is best used when working on the instruction courses or other materials provided in the Patreon group. If you need help deciding what to work on or where to start, please tell me!
Any time I feel like you need something that is NOT provided in the Patreon group, I will absolutely give you new material that is tailored to what you need.
Here is what you receive when joining one of the Video Feedback Tiers:
- You can send over one or two videos per month (depending on the tier you choose) up to 15 minutes long detailing what you're practicing, learning, having trouble with, etc. In return, I will send a video back to you going over the good, the bad, and what I recommend doing to improve your playing.
- Online access to the Metal and Rock Rhythm Guitar Crash Course
- Online access to the Speed Picking Course
- Online access to the Metal Modes Instruction Course Preview
- Gain Immediate Access to Over 100 Video Guitar Lessons
- Receive tabs for each lesson in Guitar Pro and PDF Formats
- Receive the eBook "Mile High Shred Metronome Method"
- Easy access to the 30 + Rhythm Work Sets
- BOTH collections of "666 Real Lessons" making sure you ALWAYS have something new to play
- You can request songs or parts of songs to be transcribed and turned into lessons (these songs must be playable on a 6 or 7 string guitar, and fall into the metal or rock genres. The more complex the material you request will result in longer wait times for the transcription(s) + lesson(s) to be finished)
See What the Video Feedback Lessons Are All About