Simple, straight-forward course on maximizing your picking speed.
Everything you need to know in order to push your speeds to new limits is in this short course. Ready to Start Playing Fast?!
By far, THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for EVERY guitar player is to have rock solid rhythm. (pun intended)
Solid rhythm not only leads to awesome chord progressions, but makes the heaviest riffs all the more brutal, and guitar solos all the more mind blowing. Geared towards beginner and intermediate guitar players, this course is designed to give you the tools to develop fantastic rhythm skills to take your playing to advanced and beyond! Ready to Become a
Badass Guitar Player?! |
Two collections of Guitar Pro Files of various lesson given to several students over many years of teaching.
If you don't have a lot to spend, but you want a lot to play, these collections are for you! CLICK HERE to compare what's in the different volumes. Want a Bunch of Stuff to Play?!
33 unique rhythms using metal guitar chords, single note riffs, and even some legato covering 8th note, 16th note, and 8th note triplet patterns make up over 300 different examples to help you improve your rhythm skills.
Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced guitar player, you are sure to find examples in this collection to push your skills to new heights! These work sets were first released on the Mile High Shred Patreon group, and can still be found there for only $1 a month. You can buy this collection, or join Patreon to receive this PLUS over 100 other Video Guitar Lessons. Either way, you'll get a bunch of new material! Ready to test your rhythmic skills?