This was given to a guitar student to help them work on their alternate picking technique while climbing a full octave in the key of E minor. This is also good for fret hand work.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This type of guitar speed/tremolo/alternate picking drill allows you to focus on your picking more than your fretting. Changing notes after 4 pick strokes will help you keep track of where you are in the exercise as you get faster and faster.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help ease them into skipping strings with each pick stroke while palm-muting.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help with skipping strings while alternate picking and palm-muting.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help them work on changing strings while alternate picking and palm-muting.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a student to help them work on alternate picking while palm-muting and changing strings.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student so they could practice their palm-mutes while alternate picking and going between two different strings.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a student to help them work on alternate picking quickly while palm-muting on the low E string.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar exercise is good for both working on your alternate picking and your fret hand finger dexterity/coordination.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a student to help them work on their alternate picking while changing notes with each pick stroke. Playing in short bursts of notes like this makes it much easier to get your speed up VS playing large groupings of notes.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
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