For those interested in all the theory work that was done after watching the Guitar Arpeggio Workout, you can find that below in an image, as well as a PDF for download. Feel free to point out anything that needs correcting!
This was given to a guitar student to work on connecting three string arpeggio sweep picking shapes. This exercise starts at the top part of the shape and then works down.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar exercise works on your legato (hammer-ons and pull-offs) while playing two string arpeggios. Can you name the arpeggios being played?
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This sweep picking guitar exercise has you play the full three string shape up and down once, then up once more where you pause and hold the highest note for a full beat before moving on to the next shape.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to demonstrate changing chords while using inversions to stay in the same area on the fretboard instead of making bigger movements as most people to do get from chord to chord.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This sweep picking exercise has you playing a 3 string arpeggio shape twice, then move to the first note of the next shape, then pause on that note.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help them work on transitioning between three string arpeggio sweep picking shapes.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help ease them into transitioning three string sweep picked arpeggio shapes.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help them work on transitioning to different 3 string sweep picked arpeggio shapes.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This three string sweep picking shape of an Em7 chord is a pretty good one for those new to sweep picking.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
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