Long Shred Guitar Scale Run in 12/8 (playing 6 notes per beat) Using Alternate Picking and Legato9/18/2020
This long scale run, perfect for shred guitar, basically plays 6 notes per beat. You can play 3 notes per beat while learning it to make things easier (aaaaand you definitely should)
A mix of alternate picking and legato is used here. The hardest part of this, for me, is the last line shown in the tabs below. Always a good idea to break things like this down into smaller pieces when you're learning it to makes things easier on yourself.
Challenging Guitar Scale Run Inspired by Michael Angelo Batio's Keys to the Lamborghini Lick/Riff9/11/2020
After watching Troy Grady of Cracking the Code break down a Michael Angelo Batio Lick/Riff titled "Keys to the Lamborghini", this long scale run came about. It's very challenging!
This scale run kicks my arse! Basically, the B Locrian 3 Notes Per String scale/mode shape is what I'm using.
The 16th notes use a 3 note pattern because you end up hitting the same note twice in one beat. If you number the notes in each beat as 1, 2, 3, then the pattern would go 1, 3, 2, 1. After completing that pattern for the first beat, you go one note lower in key and repeat the 1, 3, 2, 1 descending pattern. This happens for 3 beats. On the fourth beat, a sextuplet (aka: 16th note triplet) ascending run occurs. Because you're bouncing all over the place, plus a very fast sextuplet burst, this particular scale run is VERY difficult for me to get going blazingly fast.
This ascending scale run covers a full octave on the high E string. It's in a 12/8 time signature, which is basically felt as playing triplets (3 notes per beat). This exercise is good for building endurance and hand synchronization.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This is a scale run that feels very comfortable for me. Because of this I can push my speed really hard. See if you can!
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to show a way of practicing two different scale shapes in one run. Basically, you go up one 3 notes per string, then shift up to the next one in key and go down. You can do this with any two shapes you'd like, and can even skip to higher shapes to increase the difficulty.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This is mostly a descending scale run that cycles through a 4 note pattern while going lower and lower in key (e minor). The last bar goes straight up from F# to D to finish off this scale run idea.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this scale run:
This was something I put together when messing around one day. Sometimes I come up with scale runs and patterns that sound good to me, and this is one of them.
You basically have a repeating 4 note pattern that keeps getting lower and lower in key (e minor is what's used here) and then you finish by running up and down a full e minor scale.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this scale run:
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