This metal guitar rhythm etude is in the key of E minor. There's a mix of gallop, reverse gallop, and straight 8th note rhythms with palm-mute accents.
Here are downloadable tab files for this etude:
This guitar rhythm strumming pattern constantly goes between playing an 8th note, then a quarter note. This continues for 3 bars. The 4th bar breaks away from this.
The count for this is 1n-n3-4n|-n2-3n-n|1-2n-n4-|1n2n3n4n
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a student as a final "test" on reading/playing various 16th note patterns.
The count for this is -ena2-na-ena4en-|1e-a2-na-ena4--a| 1ena-e-a3ena-en-|1--a--n-3e-a4-na
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar rhythm strumming pattern evenly spaces 4 chords across 3 beats, and repeats this for 3 full bars. The 4th bar breaks away from that pattern.
The count for this is 1--a--n--e--4--a|--n--e--3--a--n-| -e--2--a--n--e--|1e-2e-a3ena-en-
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
The first three beats in each bar is basically a 4:3 polyrhythm. You have 4 chords evenly spaced across 3 beats. The quarter note played on beat 4 is a bit of a break from playing the polyrhythm.
The count for this is 1__a__n__e__4___
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar rhythm strumming pattern has you playing all up strokes, and in between all the down and up beats.
The count for this is _e_a_e_a_e_a_e_a
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar rhythm strumming pattern continually goes between a 16th note, then an 8th note. This lasts for three full bars. The fourth bar breaks away from the main pattern.
The count for this is 1e_a2_na_en_4e_a|1_na_en_3e_a4_na|_en_2e_a3_na_en_|1_na2en_3e_a4___
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
Basically, what's happening with this guitar rhythm strumming pattern, is you keep going between a 16th note and an 8th note for three beats, then finish with a quarter note.
The count for this is 1e_a2_na_en_4___
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar rhythm strumming pattern has one beat consisting of a 16th, 8th, and 16th note, and three beats consisting of a dotted 8th + 16th.
The count for this is 1e_a2__a3__a4__a
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar rhythm strumming pattern goes between two beats of 16th, 8th, 16th notes then two beats of a dotted 8th and 16th note.
The count for this is 1e_a2e_n3__a4__a
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
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