This metal guitar rhythm etude is in the key of E minor. There's a mix of gallop, reverse gallop, and straight 8th note rhythms with palm-mute accents.
Here are downloadable tab files for this etude:
Single Notes Palm-Muted Guitar Riff Mixing Reverse Gallops, Gallops, and Straight 8th Notes1/15/2020
This guitar riff palm-mutes everything and goes between reverse gallops, gallops, and some straight 8th notes.
The rhythm count for this is 1en-2-na-3-n-4en-|1en-2-na-3en-4en-
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar riff splits each beat up into 6 equal parts. Every note is palm-muted.
The picking pattern for each beat is Down____Down, Up, Down____
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar riff uses diad and power chords while using the palm-muted open A string as a pedal point.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This 3/4 time signature guitar rhythm has some gallops and reverse gallop rhythms in the first three bars that also utilize palm-mute accents, and the fourth bar has you playing a different chord every 8th note.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar exercise goes between playing a bar of palm-muted reverse gallop on the open E string, then a bar of straight 16th notes played on the A string.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar exercise uses a reverse gallop rhythm (two 16th notes and one 8th note). You change strings with each new beat, and palm-mute everything.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This was given to a guitar student to help them improve their speed/tremolo picking while palm-muting.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This guitar exercise uses a reverse gallop rhythm (two 16th notes and an 8th note), all 16th notes are palm-muted and played on the low E string, the 8th notes are not muted and played on the A string, and you climb up through the key of Fm a full octave.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
This metal guitar riff uses a gallop rhythm, has you only picking single notes instead of chords, palm-mutes all 16th notes, and goes between the E and A string.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this lesson:
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