This Bathory guitar riff from the song Foreverdark Woods uses the open B string throughout the riff. To my ear this gives a droning effect, and helps lend to the dark sound of the riff.
This song is tuned down 2 whole steps.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this riff:
This Bathory guitar riff from the song Dragon's breath utilizes bends, and starts with single notes. Then, to give the riff some oomph, all the single notes are turned into power chords (aka: 5th chords).
This song is tuned down two whole steps.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this riff:
This Bathory guitar riff, from the song Dragon's Breath, is mostly 8th notes, and is in the aeolian mode. The 2nd to last note shown in this riff changes the mode to phrygian, giving a darker sounding finish to the riff.
This song is tuned down two whole steps.
Here is Guitar Pro 6 tab for this riff:
This Bathory guitar riff from the song Vinterblot is a guitar lead that uses the melodic minor scale in the first half, and harmonic minor in the second.
This song is tuned down two whole steps.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this riff:
This riff has some palm-mutes to really bring out the power chords and an arpeggiated power chord to build on some tension.
This song is tuned down two whole steps.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this riff:
A 12/8 time signature riff (which is basically a triplet feel the whole time). This a great example of riffing in the Aeolian mode.
This song is tuned down two whole steps.
Here is the Guitar Pro 6 tab for this riff:
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